Congratulations! 9/2/15
I just want to take a few minutes out of my Monday to drop you an email to say WELL DONE!
You got through January…
Or shall I say, WE got through it… together!
The coldest, darkest and most miserable month that the big man in the sky decided to create.
But we all got though it… YEEEHAAA!
I want to give you an even bigger virtual pat on the back if you’re still sticking to your New Year weight loss plan
AND an absolutely MAHOUSIVE cyber HIGH FIVE if you’re seeing consistent results from it
You must be a Fitness Camper! ;)
Florence said it best…
The dark days are over now (The dark days are oveeer noooooow)
So it can only get easier from here right!?
If you’ve stuck to your weight loss plan throughout January, then as the days get longer, lighter and warmer this really is going to be a walk in the park for you.
Remember that summer bodies are made in the winter.
So if you are still wanting to get back into shape for the warmer months then you’ll have to saddle up and commit yourself to something (that works) pretty soon.
I know that in January it can feel almost impossible to find your drive.
It was for me aswell.
But now that we’re through the abyss, then your plans for the 2015 should really start to take shape.
It’s time for a game plan!
Tom ‘POA’ Kynaston
PS. That’s it from me from me on this one…
Our February trial week is now well under way so I don’t have anything to offer as such…
You can sign-up for the next Fit Camp we have coming up, but you’ll have to wait a few weeks as it doesn’t start until March…
But feel free to get a space secured if you’re serious about getting started then...
Only if you’re serious about getting results though!
I just want to leave you with a quick thought for the day…
This morning I felt tired and messy headed
I taught Fitness Camp, then a P.T. session, and then went and trained…
I now feel alert, with much more mental clarity, and have an awesome post workout buzz going on
I'm Buzzzzzin like an angry bee
I feel good… and it’s Monday!
What’s all that about?
Never underestimate the power of a regular exercise routine!
It’s not JUST going to affect the way you look.
But the way you FEEL!
Prolly one of the most important factors no!?
Just get started… on something…
A walk a day…
Swimming 3 times a week…
Or if you want the most bang for your buck…
Our March edition of Fitness Camp!
Just click here if you want it (Not as dodgy as it sounds) ->
^^^ Our new website, check it out :)